Thursday, 9 May 2013

reece exam

It has allowed everyone to be able to market and consume a wide rang of music over many platforms making it easy for anyone produce and distribute music to a global audience not just the major labels.

beck is a key example as the new way in which he markets and distributes his music to his audience is over social networking sites and a key difference with beck is that he has made it so his audience produced and distributed the music for him as he produced sheet music which he made available to his audience getting them involved in the production process of the music gain audience participation, allowing them to interpret the music in their own way opening his target market as the music can be listened to in any genre.

Syco is part of a major record label which hosts a television show put on to find to new talent, as syco is part of a major record label they have the rights to many well known songs in their back catalogue and can also access songs from the back catalogue of over labels for a price which they can promote/market though their television show, they get the audience involved with their music by allowing them to decide what they want on by voting for the act which they want to see one stage. syco also use a high amount of visualisation in the marketing with artist such as one direction this to produce as sellable image that people buy into making it more about the appearance rather than the music.

digital distribution has made it so that indie labels can actually compete with large major record labels due to the fact they can market their artists widely to a large audience at a low price where as in the past it was only major record labels that had this ability has it cost a huge sum of money to invest in large amounts of marketing. these labels can also  distribute their music over platforms such as sound cloud, itunes and spotify ETC this means that their music is also available to be consumed easily by their audience as well.

everybody now has the ability to become a  prosumer in that everyone has the abilty to access a wide range of music that they can download, change , mix and mash up to produce a new piece of music from the original and then put it on to youtube and spotify etc for others to listen to, this takes production, distribution and exchange (PDE) and mix them all together because where before each step was carried out by a different industry body now one person from their own home can produce a whole new track from old music, market it other social networking sites and distribute it over platforms such as youtube and sound cloud.

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