Saturday, 20 April 2013


Successful Media Products depends as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience  as they do upon production practice’ To what extent would you agree with this statement.


Visualisation is a key  point to my agreement with this statement. For example. A record label such as Sony depend on production to ensure that there media products such as a song is successful. Moreover, the production  involves the creation of the media product. Production is the responsibility of the production company. Therefore it is important to have production as it is the stage where the song is created and researched into. Moreover audience research is included within production as it is important to know before creating a song who the song is being aimed at and how they can then use this information to create a song best suited to this particular niche audience to allow them to get the nest response possible Additionally, they will research into what competitors such a as other record labels or individual successful artists are doing so that they can then use these ideas or create something completely different. Therefore it is important to have production in order to create a successful media product.  However in order for the song o t be successful it needs to be balanced with marketing and distribution. It is important for a record label to consider and depend on production and marketing and distribution equally as without both the song would only be successful which would lead to an decrease in revenue which could result in a company such as record label going bust. The marketing and distribution is just as important as the creation of the media product as it promotes it and creates customer awareness to their specific audience. For example with a successful media product such as a song  a form of marketing  which can be interpreted as visualisation allows interaction with music. Younger consumers of music tend to only feel a sense of interaction with music if it was more visual. For example a record company such as Sony cannot depend on the music alone as this would not create sales. A large percentage of the income from music revenue s due to the music video. As the music video acts as a sense of promotion. Therefore the music video has adapted to being the key to the sales of the music track. As music has been stated to be dull and stale due to the same songs being created that all consist of a similar music line such as a bass beat and a drop. Therefore to make it ‘appear’ different the record company needs to ensure that there media product is different and unique as  the track is not due to it having  a similar sound to all other songs in the charts. Therefore they use a music video as a formal of visualisation. The music video is distribution and acts as a form of marketing because it creates an image for the music which provides the audience with something to engage with therefore this visual aspect creates the success of the music. This emphasizes how it is important to depend on both the production to create a successful media product as this is initiates the success for product in terms of making it suitable for the  target audience through research and applying this knowledge to the song. But also distribution an marketing as this acts as a form of promotion which increases the chance of a media product being successful as it creates customer awareness. It also allows consumers to feel interacted with the music. This can be done visually through the use of media video. Games online, apps which all act as a form of promotion to allow the audience to interact with the music and therefore feel connected to it resulting in them purchasing it which symbolizes a successful media product.

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